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The spirit of friendship and community in a group, like the comradery of soldiers at war who keep each other upbeat despite the difficulty of their circumstances. Athletes too, display remarkable amounts of heart, courage, determination, and fearlessness in sports at all levels, Athletes are warriors. Sports demand extraordinary mental toughness, perseverance, the courage to confront daunting challenges and the will to recover from painful defeats. Communities embody and transmit to young people these qualities. 

Who is a comrade? A close friend, a fellow athlete or soldier — someone who comes to mind when you say, “We’re in this together.” Comradery reflects that same spirit: both words can be traced to the Spanish word comarada, meaning “chamber mate,” or roommate. Camaraderie is a feeling of mutual trust, a bond created by a shared goal or experience — knowing you do not have to be best friends with everyone in the group, to know you have their support.

(Definition from


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