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Players wanted

First and foremost all ECHO Athletics Kickball leagues are 50% Social and 50% Sport. We do have umpires; however, we expect EACH player to respect the league’s culture of fair and fun play. Foul language and rough play will not be tolerated and individuals who cannot abide by our standards of fair play and sportsmanship may be asked to leave the league. ECHO Athletics Kickball wants everyone to have a fun and be social while enjoying the great sport of Kickball. We will do whatever we can to make sure all of our players are having fun.

At the end of the day, ALL calls will be made by the umpire. Whatever their call is, it stands, so don’t be a “rule nazi.”

For those of us who haven’t played kickball since our semi-pro days in elementary school – here’s the BRIEF low down on the rules.

– There are 7 innings, 50 minutes. Whatever comes first!
– Games CAN end in a tie (it happens)
– Line Up DOES NOT need to alternate (ie. Male-Female). Max. players on the field = 10 (minimum = 7 – 4 guys, 3 girls)
– All pitches MUST be thrown underhand in Recreation Divisions (ball released below the elbow)
– Strike zone is a foot on either side of the plate (yup, it’s a big strike zone)
– Strikes are NOT SEPARATE counts from fouls (full count is 2 strikes = 2 fouls, and 3 balls.)
– 3 strikes is an out
– Kickers CAN foul  out
– 4 balls is a walk
– There is no leading off bases or stealing
– You can throw the ball at base runners, but no head shots!

That’s it!  For those who are more detailed oriented, you will find all the rules spelled out for you below!

The first and most enforced rule of our game is to have fun. If you are hoping to recapture your athletic glory from grade-school, this is not the kickball league for you. ECHO Athletics Kickball is all about playing a silly kid’s game, having fun, socialize and meeting new people. Absolutely no whining will be tolerated during the course of a game. The only players allowed to communicate with the referees are the captains of each team. Any abuse (verbal or otherwise) of the umpires or other players will constitute an immediate ejection from the game. Repeated offenders will be banned from the league. No exceptions.

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